
Language focus | 14.06.2013

Language on high

It has long been understood that environment can have an effect on the vocabulary of a language, the most simplistic example being a language evolving in a landlocked environment having little use for words describing tides. However, a new study published in the June 12 edition of PLOS ONE shows that the conditions in which…

Language focus | 14.06.2013

Third language in South African schools

On the continent of Africa there are more than two thousand spoken languages and perhaps as many as three thousand, which form several distinct groups (not counting English or Afrikaans). This means there is a great need for multilingualism to allow inter-ethnic communication, even on the national level (there are hundreds of languages spoken natively…

Company news | 07.05.2013


    The Translation People specialise in providing business to business translation and language services for its international client base through a global network of translators and strategic partners. We have a new opportunity for an Account Manager to join our Birmingham (UK) team and handle translation projects for a diverse range of clients from…

Language focus | 19.03.2013

The End of Interpreters? (I don’t think so!)

Whilst flicking through articles on the BBC News website, my eyes fell upon the rather bold (in my opinion) title of this article: “Phone call translator app to be offered by NTT Docomo”. I’m sure that anyone working in the translation industry would have been equally as intrigued by this…is the app in question really…

Language focus | 25.01.2013

Evolving technical translation to keep the pace

Technical translation is not a fixed art – it must continually evolve to keep pace with new words coming into common usage in all the languages of the world. However, these in turn can be difficult to predict, and researchers are now working to better understand which words make it into the mainstream, and which…

News | 21.12.2012

A document translation at the dawn of modern day computing

What links modern computing capabilities with a piece of document translation carried out in the 1840s? You may have heard in the past couple of weeks, of Lady Ada Lovelace, whose name has been mentioned by several media outlets since the anniversary of her birth on December 10th 1815. While we are just three years…

Language focus | 23.11.2012

Translation companies can help you serve Arabic speakers online

Translation companies can help you to prepare web content in Arabic, wherever you are in the world. Arabic speakers can be found in almost every country of the world, but while they account for over 5% of the global population, Google estimate that only 3% of web content is available in the language. The search…

Language focus | 13.11.2012

Translation agencies can help find the right modern words for older texts

Translation agencies don’t just work with new documents – we are sometimes asked to translate older texts too, and that raises its own questions. For instance, if a document is fairly old, there is the issue of whether the translation should use language that was common at the time it was originally written, or that…

Language focus | 01.11.2012

Language structure similarities mean good news for translation companies

Translation companies like The Translation People might be specialists at what we do, but it still helps when the two languages being used share structural similarities. Any similarity between grammar and sentence structure makes our job easier – and can allow translation companies to more accurately convey the original meaning of the text in the…

News | 17.10.2012

Technical translation – a matter of life and death

British pharmaceuticals firms – particularly those which produce medicines for the US market – may need to consider having technical translation of their dosage instructions carried out in the years to come. That is because the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, a non-profit standards-setting organisation whose opinions are used on a global basis, has raised concerns about…

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