
News | 06.08.2012

Getting your Arabic right

Last month the BBC News website reported on two separate incidents of Arabic translations concerning the Olympics displaying incorrectly and being “gibberish” and “incoherent” to an Arabic reader. The first example discussed posters that had been displayed in UK train stations, and the second example involved banners that had been put up in Stratford’s Westfield…

Language focus | 03.08.2012

Emotional issues can play a part in document translation

You could be forgiven for expecting that document translation is a fairly emotionless process – but despite the need to adhere to the right tone of voice, grammar and spelling of the target language, emotions can still play a role. New research from the University of California at Berkeley and Bard College, New York, highlights…

Language focus | 01.08.2012

'Key words' could help signpost document translation

‘Key words’ could help signpost document translation What does document translation have in common with, say, reading a story, or getting a web page into a search engine’s results? The answer is that all can begin with key words – the most important words or phrases in a text that carry the most meaning. Online,…

Translation Industry News | 01.08.2012

Study highlights range of colour choices open to translation services

You might expect that the word for a particular colour would be one of the easiest challenges for providers of translation services to overcome. However, a joint English-Italian study carried out at Liverpool Hope University and Sassari University in Italy, as part of their participation in the Erasmus Exchange Agreement, shows how different languages can…

Language focus | 01.08.2012

‘Key words’ could help signpost document translation

‘Key words’ could help signpost document translation What does document translation have in common with, say, reading a story, or getting a web page into a search engine’s results? The answer is that all can begin with key words – the most important words or phrases in a text that carry the most meaning. Online,…

Language focus | 25.07.2012

The Bavarian State Library opens a new exhibition on constructed world languages: 125 years of Esperanto

Up until 9th September, the Bavarian State Library in Munich will be home to an interesting new exhibition which will cover the theme “Utopia and reality, constructed languages for the globalised world”. The exhibition will not only celebrate the 125th anniversary of Esperanto, but also the 100th year anniversary of Johann Martin Schleyer’s death. Johan…

News | 24.07.2012

A tour de Français!

Congratulations to Bradley Wiggins for his fantastic win of the epic 3200 km cycle road race – The Tour de France! On Sunday 22nd July 2012 he became the first Briton to win the prestigious event, which has been running since 1903. The Tour de France is a race very close to the heart of…

Language focus | 23.07.2012

Multiple-language learners may fall short of professional translation capabilities

Even if you have learned a second language to a good level of fluency, your ability to convert sentences between it and your native tongue may still fall short of professional translation agencies’ capabilities. That is because, unlike truly bilingual people who have grown up speaking more than one language naturally, those who learn at…

Language focus | 23.07.2012

The Olympic Games and Languages

With so much in the news about London 2012, it interested us from a language service provider’s point of view to find out what role languages play in the Olympics games. And interesting it is: With 205 countries sending athletes to London this week to compete in the games, you could be forgiven for thinking…

Language focus | 20.07.2012

Google campaigning to save the world’s endangered languages

3000 languages are currently at risk of becoming extinct. This amounts to approximately half of all living languages. Search engine giant Google recently launched a website designed to help save endangered languages. On this website, each language has its own page, listing facts such as number of speakers, areas where the language is spoken, and…

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