
News | 01.09.2011

The BRIC economies

As well as comprising 40% of the world population, the BRIC economies (Brazil, Russia, India and China) currently have a collective GDP of $18 trillion. Experts predict that in the future, these economies will grow strongly (especially in the fields of manufacturing, energy, resources, currency relationships and trade flows) and enter the top rank of…

Company news | 30.08.2011

Launch of Translation People's Client Portal

2011 saw the launch of our Client Portal, a system which offers our customers greater transparency and control with regard to the monitoring of quotes and projects. Individual login details give our clients secure access round the clock to the Portal’s control panel, where the progress of translation projects can be monitored and any corresponding…

Company news | 26.08.2011

The Translation People open office in Germany

Following our successful launch in Paris last year, we have taken a further important step to increase our presence in Europe by opening a new office in the city of Bonn. The Translation People’s business in Germany has seen dramatic expansion this year with client numbers in the first 4 months of 2011 up by…

Company news | 22.08.2011

ISO 9001 – Just another tick in the box?

When the management team first discussed the process to gain ISO certification there was a genuine sense that we could improve the way we operate and gain some quantifiable evidence that the service we provide to our clients was as good as our perception. There were some fears at the outset that gaining certification would…

Uncategorized | 17.06.2011

Sophie completes her internship with the Translation People

As a student in my first year of a Masters in multilingual translation (specialising in English and Spanish) at the University Charles de Gaulle in Lille, France, I was keen to experience translation in a professional environment. Consequently, I was delighted to be able to join The Translation People’s Birmingham team for a two month…

Company news | 10.05.2011

The Translation People at the “Careers in Translation and Interpreting” Event at the University of Birmingham

The number of students choosing Translation Studies at universities has been decreasing gradually, and also in many secondary modern and grammar schools, the subject of modern languages does not seem to get as much attention as it should. This is an unfavourable development, in particular in the era of globalisation. For this reason, the importance…

News | 19.04.2011

Talented young interpreter wows professional interpreters in Brussels

Alexia Sloane, a gifted linguist, fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin was given an opportunity to work as an interpreter at the European Parliament in Brussels this month. ‘The other interpreters were amazed at how well she did as the debate was quite complicated and many of the words were rather technical.’ What makes…

News | 14.03.2011

Our thoughts are with the victims of the Japanese Earthquake

Our thoughts are with the Japanese people this week as the whole world comes to terms with images of one of the most horrific natural disasters ever. As an international business with translators spread across the globe, events such as the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan last week resonate deeply with us and whilst…

News | 10.03.2011

Chinese Whispers

Martian Wheatley, who has held the post of Securities and Futures Commission’s chief executive in Hong Kong for six years, will step down in the coming months. Despite having been the top securities regulator in the city for six years, Mr Wheatley does not speak any Cantonese; and claims this has been an advantage. This…

News | 08.02.2011

Translation and Piracy

Friday 21st of January saw the conclusion to South Korea’s dramatic rescue of the crew of the Samho Jewelry, who were being held hostage by pirates on board the hijacked ship 800 miles off the coast of Somalia. During the operation the South Korean Lynx helicopter blared out a recording in Somali: “Throw down your…

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