
News | 12.05.2010

As the Prime Minister resigns and a new coalition government is formed, how will MFL policies fare under the new leadership?

Today, the British public wake up to a new Prime Minister following Gordon Brown’s resignation yesterday. The Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats are painting a new political landscape with their coalition government and the language community will be waiting to see whether the ‘time for change’ extends to better modern foreign language (MFL) policies in…

News | 11.05.2010

Moving closer towards a truly worldwide web as the first non-Latin IDNs become available

Non-Latin International Domain Names (IDNs) were on the horizon said the international organization ICANN last year and on 5 May 2010 its dream was one step closer to reality when it announced that “For the first time in the history of the Internet, non-Latin characters are being used for top-level domains’. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and…

Translation Industry News | 10.05.2010

EU decision makers cast their ballot

While politicians in Britain have been pounding the pavement up and down the UK over the last month, key players in the translation technology industry have been presenting a manifesto of a different sort as they try to secure their part in the future of the European Commission’s translation strategy. As decision makers in the…

Language focus | 07.05.2010

Translations can influence entire cultures

Translations have always had a great influence on the lives of people all over the world, these days probably more than ever before. People come in contact with translations on a daily basis, often unconsciously, e.g. in the form of manuals, commercials and books. Translations do not only enable people from different countries to communicate,…

Language focus | 06.05.2010

Why Translation Matters

In her new book ‘Why Translation Matters’ critically acclaimed Spanish to English translator Edith Grossman attempts to explain exactly that and having translated some of the most famous literature written in the Spanish language, including Cervantes’ epic Don Quijote and many of Gabriel García Marquez’s best known works, she is certainly well placed to offer…

News | 28.04.2010

International curtain calls for multilingual operas

It is said that opera is an art form which transcends language barriers. This may be true, but it is bilingual and multilingual operas which seem to be taking centre stage recently. The advent of new technologies complement audience experiences and if you’re unable to physically go to the theatre, then there’s an app for…

Language focus | 27.04.2010

Interpreters assist in relief efforts following earthquake in China

Interpreters have been helping with relief efforts following the 6.9 magnitude earthquake which struck the town of Yushu in China last week. As the majority of relief workers do not speak Tibetan, this inability to communicate with the local population has severely hampered the rescue mission and has prompted a call for volunteer interpreters. The…

Language focus | 27.04.2010

Should you choose bokmål or nynorsk?

Until the beginning of the twentieth century written Norwegian was almost identical to Danish. The spoken language was always different, with its own dialects, but because of the political union of Norway and Denmark (from 1380 to 1814) there was a strong Danish influence on the written language. This influence continued after 1814, when Norway…

Translation Industry News | 26.04.2010

EC set to suffer shortage of English translators

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation employs over 1700 translators spread across 23 different language departments and covering all the official languages of the EU. These translation departments play a vital role in ensuring successful communication both internally and externally, between various governmental organisations as well as with any member of the public needing their…

Language focus | 23.04.2010

Happy Saint George's Day

The 23rd of April is widely accepted as the date on which our Patron Saint George died and is England’s National Day. We thought it appropriate to mention the Patron Saint of England on this notable day, and to mention that although Saint George’s Day is not celebrated in England with anywhere near the same…

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