
Company news | 22.04.2010

Why should you choose The Translation People when you next require translation services?

We understand that time is of the essence, that the highest quality is essential, that the recession has shrunk budgets and that there are hundreds of other translation companies out there who insist they will be the best at fulfilling all your needs. We are no different in that we too deliver the highest quality…

Language focus | 21.04.2010

Chinese Whispers. How does gossip translate?

In a society seemingly obsessed with gossip and propaganda, we were curious to see how far this phenomenon stretches. Stephanie, Account Manager in our Manchester office investigates: “The word gossip dates back to 16th Century Old English and the verb seems to have been brought to life by our literary hero William Shakespeare. It’s fair…

News | 20.04.2010

Demand for interpreters and translators sky rockets as volcanic ash continues to rise

Interpreters ‘sit in the shadow of the powerful’*, they are inconspicuous yet indispensable for international communication. But recent events caused by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland have meant an increased visibility for such linguists. On 19 April 2010, a contingent of EU transport ministers held a multilingual video conference to discuss the current state of affairs…

News | 19.04.2010

New US bilingual, multicultural and interactive telenovela in the pipeline

News broke last week of an exciting collaboration between MTV, Electus and pharmaceutical giant Procter & Gamble which will provide a sensational new television experience for audiences in the States. A bilingual and interactive telenovela called Pedro & Maria is in the pipeline, which is being preceded by a bilingual reality TV show searching for…

News | 14.04.2010

Controversial Canadian legislation calling for bilingual judges

Bilingual skills have always been an asset for any job, but if a proposed bill in Canada is passed then it may well be a legal requisite for Supreme Court Judges. Classed as a ‘landmark bill’ by the Telegraph-Journal, it has provoked widespread debate and also received criticism from both legal personnel and members of…

Company news | 13.04.2010

Our MD Steve Wilde reflects on the challenges of investing in a recession

Investing in improved systems software, opening new offices, taking new staff on and making a commitment to install a robust ISO process are all challenging decisions for a medium sized company. Of course 2009/10 is a period that has certainly made most management teams tread very carefully when making any increased demands on cash. Our…

Translation technology | 12.04.2010

US survey highlights the perils of machine translation for medicine labelling

What automatic machine translation makes up for in productivity, it certainly loses in accuracy. This may be a valid compromise when conversing with a friend over the Internet, but unacceptable in the medical sector where mistranslations could prove to be fatal. The National Post reports that in 2009, a law came into effect in the…

Translation Industry News | 09.04.2010

The right to translation and interpretation services is high on the agenda in the EU and Spain

The EU has moved closer to providing full and proper access to language services for citizens involved in criminal proceedings in Member States. A draft Directive to improve and standardise the provision of translation and interpreting services was advanced yesterday when it was announced that the initiative put forward by 13 Member States in 2009…

News | 09.04.2010

Is automatic translation on the cards for Twitter?

Speculation has been mounting about Twitter’s plans to incorporate a machine translation feature into their microblogging site. This would mean that tweets could be translated almost instantaneously into a variety of different languages with a single click! Currently, many different applications are available which are compatible with Twitter, but this is the first time that…

News | 07.04.2010

The race is on for the 2010 General Elections – but will it be multilingual?

This week saw the much-anticipated announcement confirming the general election in May. Pitted as the closest fought campaign for 20 years and with talk of a hung parliament in the air, politicians up and down the country will be vying for that all important vote. Language is an issue which falls under the umbrella of…

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