
Translation Industry News | 06.04.2010

Glocalisation: more than translation is needed to allow your message to hit home on a local level across the globe.

There are a lot of global and international companies which operate in many countries and although a company’s philosophy may focus on creating consistency throughout the company, sometimes certain adaptations will need to be made for a product or translation to be acceptable locally. Glocalisation is often the key to the success of global acceptance….

Language focus | 02.04.2010

Wasei Eigo – Ross investigates a very Japanese use of English loan words

Romance languages can be strikingly similar or sometimes even identical. For example, ‘beer’, ‘football’ and ‘sport’ have near identical spelling and pronunciation in English and French. However, the same is also true to a much smaller extent with English and Japanese. Western culture infiltrated Japan at the outset of the 20th century, resulting in western…

Translation Industry News | 01.04.2010

It’s not just a dog’s life!

Last month we saw how bowlingual is allowing human’s to communicate with man’s best friend, the dog. Today Google have gone one step further and have created an Android application –Translate for Animals. So far the app, which will only be available on Android 1.6 handsets and above can translate noises made by cats, dogs,…

Translators | 27.03.2010

What skills do you require to be an interpreter/translator?

Ross, the current work placement student working with our Glasgow office has been considering the skills required to be a successful interpreter and/or translator: Before commencing my MA Interpreting and Translating at the University of Bath I was, as are most people who have never studied either of these disciplines, ignorant of how complex and…

Services | 22.03.2010

Are we experiencing a shortage of interpreters?

Ready access to qualified interpreters at short notice is of vital importance to the smooth running of legal systems around the world and a shortage of interpreters can have a serious effect on people’s access to justice and a fair trial. The Australian media have reported that there is concern that defendants are being kept…

Language focus | 19.03.2010

Native speakers prove vital for accurate translation

A good translation is not always self-evident. It requires careful preparation, good experience and most of all you need to be a native speaker. Our eyes fell on a Belgian article published last month, which serves as a perfect illustration. A Belgian PR-company, HL Event, had sent out invitations for a VIP-arrangement at the French…

Language focus | 18.03.2010

The French celebrate their language

French, alongside English, is the only language in the world to be spoken on five continents. This universal character is surely proof of the language’s vitality and dynamism. Over the years, institutions such as the Académie française have carefully guarded the innate character of its native tongue. However, the French language has also been encouraged…

Translation Industry News | 17.03.2010

Dictionaries with a difference: online glossaries for prison slang and educational terminology

Two very different dictionaries have been in the spotlight this month both in Spain and the UK. Compiled by an ex-prisoner and available online, the popularity of a prison slang dictionary has soared to such an extent that it is being used as a training resource by the government in Valencia. Whilst in the UK,…

Translation technology | 15.03.2010

Wii can do it! Spanish game fans to translate Japanese video game

In an unprecedented collaboration between members of the Spanish gaming community and publishers of the Wii game Fragile Dreams: Ruins of the Moon, around fifty volunteers will translate the game’s script into Spanish. Due to be released in US and European markets on 16 and 19 March respectively, it is hoped that the Spanish language…

Language focus | 12.03.2010

Cockney ATM machines – localisation gone mad?

An ATM machine in London has come up with a new idea of displaying its commands in Cockney Slang, is this localisation gone mad – or just a little bit of fun? According to Ron Delnevo, managing director of Bank Machine; the company responsible for these unique cash points; he “…wanted to introduce something fun…

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