
News | 15.02.2010

The Winter Olympics 2010 – on track for linguistic success?

The Winter Olympics’ glittering opening ceremony took place on February 12 in Vancouver and was watched by an unprecedented 13.3 million TV viewers in Canada alone. With more than 80 different nations competing, the linguistic landscape in Canada is alive with foreign languages. Records are also being set outside of the sporting arena, as this…

Language focus | 12.02.2010

Endangered languages and their fight for survival in the modern world

There are more than 3,000 languages currently included in UNESCO’s Atlas of the World’s Endangered Languages, which cites mainly external forces as the main culprits for a language’s demise: military, economic, religious, cultural and educational subjugation. Add to this the spread of globalisation and it would seem that time is running out for many world…

Language focus | 11.02.2010

Why do Scandinavians speak such a high standard of English?

Scandinavians seem to speak English better than some people born in the UK, why do Danish, Norwegian and Swedish people speak many more languages than your average UK national? Here Peter Hansen, The Translation People’s Senior Production specialist and a native Dane, investigates the reasons why… Most Scandinavian children start learning English in their third…

Language focus | 10.02.2010

Have you forgotten the language(s) of your childhood?

In the September-October issue of the ITI bulletin Susan Bassnett explored the forgotten languages of her childhood. In today’s multicultural society it is not uncommon to find people who spent the first 3-4 years of their lives speaking one language, only to be moved to a completely different country and forced to learn a new…

News | 09.02.2010

Moi, je parle fashion, et vous?

Whether you find a collection shocking or stunning, fashion speaks to everyone and demands a reaction. As the world’s fashion elite descend on our nation’s capital this month for London Fashion Week, knowledge of languages could be as invaluable as a front row seat at the hottest shows. Even if they cannot conjugate verbs in…

News | 08.02.2010

Behind the linguistic scenes of Avatar

James Cameron’s Avatar has been generating its own language headlines independent of the film’s mainstream reviews and press columns. This is down to Na’vi – the language created especially for the film which has quickly built up a strong linguistic fan base and a site geared towards beginners wishing to learn Na’vi. Paul Frommer is…

Language focus | 04.02.2010

Is English invading the Dutch language?

Due to increasing immigration and the ever global nature of commerce and media, the rise and widespread use of foreign languages in the Netherlands and Dutch-speaking part of Belgium has been noticeable for decades, and it is not surprising that it is the English language which takes credit for the bulk of loan words currently…

News | 04.02.2010

Chinese Interpreter required for English speaking Panda!

Last week we learnt how an animal sanctuary in Manchester struggled to communicate with a Polish speaking dog, this week a female Panda is set to have similar communication issues as she is moved abroad. Mei Lan, a US born Panda is set to travel to China from her current home in Zoo Atlanta in…

Translation Industry News | 03.02.2010

Google prizes Swahili language

Internet giant Google has recently sponsored a competition in Tanzania and Kenya offering students the chance to submit articles (either original works or translations of existing material) for possible entry on the Wikipedia website. The deadline has now passed (29 January); the entries are all in and the jury are in the process of deciding…

Translation Industry News | 02.02.2010

The Oscars 2010 – What will the jury’s verdict be for foreign films?

The Academy is due to announce the nominations for the 2010 Oscars at 1.30 p.m. this afternoon and viewers worldwide will be tuning in to see how foreign language films will fare in this year’s nominations. In the past, this category has been dominated by Western European countries but things are changing on the cinematic…

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