
Language focus | 15.01.2010

The use of English in the EU could be damaging Scandinavian languages

Linguistic diversity is important to the E.U., which has stated that all of its citizens should learn at least two foreign languages in a bid to support this. Leonard Orban, the E.U. Commissioner for Multilingualism is clearly very supportive of those people who speak a number of languages: “The ability to communicate in several languages…

Language focus | 14.01.2010

The rise of anglicisms in the German language

Order a German translation from The Translation People and you may be surprised to spot the occasional English word in the file we deliver. Thanks to the import of English language films and television programmes, and rise of the internet in the past decade, an increasing number of anglicisms are finding their way into the…

Language focus | 13.01.2010

Welsh language landmarks in the new millennium

It has been an important decade in the history of the Welsh language. A series of firsts in the political, technological and literary sectors has meant that one of the oldest languages in Europe is now enjoying an increased presence on a global scale and improved accessibility to both native speakers and learners alike. On…

Translation Industry News | 12.01.2010

Dial T for Translation

Toshiba have announced its newest development in mobile phone technology – an automatic real-time translation application for use with its TG01 smartphone. Voice recognition and automatic translation software will soon be available for handsets in order to provide translations in both text and audio formats. Three languages are currently supported – Japanese, English and Chinese…

Translation technology | 11.01.2010

Police, Camera, Translation!

In recent years, police departments and emergency services in the United States have been using handheld translation machines in a drive to enhance communication with non-English speakers. In December 2009, the Cincinnati City Council was in the news for its partnership with Latino Educational Assimilation Resource Network, Inc. – a non-profit organisation providing English/Spanish bilingual…

Translation technology | 07.01.2010

“Live” text or high-res PDFs and outlined eps files? – Solving the mystery.

Most clients who require DTP in Western European languages would prefer The Translation People to use the fonts supplied with the English template and supply back the artwork files with “live” text, and this causes no problems for the DTP operator. Where issues do occur, however, is when the client needs DTP in Eastern European…

Language focus | 21.12.2009

Window of opportunity for Catalan speakers

At a press conference in Barcelona on 1 December 2009, Microsoft presented its sought-after Windows 7 Catalan version, along with a range of additional products, services and industry collaborations aimed at widening the net of accessibility for Catalan users. María Garaña, President of Microsoft Ibérica, said that its products and partnerships would ‘open up a…

Translation Industry News | 17.12.2009

Grammar goes global

Last week the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) – the Spanish language’s overseeing body – launched its long-awaited new guide to Spanish grammar and usage. Over 11 years in the making, it replaces the 1931 edition in an attempt to record and unify a language which is spoken by more than 400 million people worldwide in…

Language focus | 10.12.2009

From past to present – no longer a tense situation for Latin learners

Thanks to a number of initiatives rolled out in schools and communities in recent years, Latin is experiencing somewhat of a revival, with lessons and clubs springing up nationwide. Opinions are divided in educational circles as to the viability of teaching a ‘dead’ language, but nevertheless, demand is increasing. It seems that Latin is not…

Translation technology | 09.12.2009

Accessibility drive: Google launch automatic captions for YouTube videos

Language matters have been generating a lot of interest recently, especially in the realms of web-based or automatic tools, and Google has been taking centre stage once more. First there was the launch of Google Translate, which was followed by the announcement that automatic captions (or auto-caps) would be coming to a YouTube screen near…

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