
Language focus | 16.09.2014

Getting Technical Translations Right

Ensuring accuracy in technical translations is one of the most important issues facing buyers of translation services today. With the multitude of free translation tools available and agencies based all over the world offering vastly different levels of quality and service, many companies requiring translation services are confused as to the best method of approaching…

Getting Technical Translations Right

Company news | 30.06.2014

New Office for Glasgow Team

Good news! Following a number of years’ continuous growth, we’ve relocated our Glasgow office to larger premises in the city centre. Based in the much sought-after West End district of the city, we are just a stone’s throw away from our previous office but with the added benefit of lots more space to accommodate our…

Translation Industry News | 25.04.2014

Translation: to Outsource or not to Outsource?

One of the challenges facing companies managing multilingual content is whether to use the services of a Language Service Provider (LSP) or to ask an internal resource to perform the translation. This issue is particularly relevant for companies with offices around the world with employees who are willing or able to take on this task….

Language focus | 04.03.2014

Terminology Management

The ability to manage terminology in any language is crucial to maintaining brand value in the different markets in which you operate. So what are the best practices for achieving this goal? We firstly need to define terminology management: terminology is essentially a word or a short phrase that defines a concept.  The management of…

Services | 03.02.2014

Different Pricing Models for Different Content Types

Buyers of translation services have often attempted to balance the need for high quality translations against the demand for competitive pricing. If you throw urgent deadlines into the mix, then this creates an interesting conundrum for all involved, with the consensus being that quality or deadline (or both) has to be sacrificed if a lower…

Awards | 05.12.2013

Insider International Trade Awards 2013

The Translation People have been shortlisted in the Insider’s third annual North West International Trade Awards, which will take place tonight – 5th December, at the Lowry Hotel Manchester. The Translation People are in the Services category along with four other finalists: Services Air Energi NES Global Talent Aedas Architects The Translation People Freedom Logistics…

News | 05.11.2013

Bonfire night!

Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot… Tonight is Great Britain’s Bonfire night, known as Guy Fawkes Night – but did you know about other Bonfire Nights around the world? In  South Africa along with many other Commonwealth countries, Bonfire night is also celebrated on the 5th November and is similar to…

Language focus | 17.10.2013

Compulsory languages in primary schools 2014

Only a few months ago we discussed how South African schools where implementing a compulsory third language, now primary schools in the UK are following suit – with a second language. It is often remarked that English schools do not put enough emphasis on languages, particularly at the early stages. The Labour government tried to…

Awards | 16.08.2013

The Translation People presents Achievement in Translation Award at Aston University

The Translation People presented the Achievement in Translation Award at Aston University Birmingham in July. The award, which honours outstanding achievements while studying translation, has been an integral part of the Translation People’s cooperation with Aston University over the last nine years. This year Sally Edwards was the well-deserved winner. Jasmin Schneider (Operations Manager) awarded…

Language focus | 02.07.2013

Languages Careers Fair at The University of Manchester

On Friday 7th June, Alan White, The Translation People’s Business Development Manager, gave a presentation to students at the Languages Careers Fair of The University of Manchester on how to succeed as a translator (both working in-house in agencies and on a freelance basis). The Translation People is acutely aware of the importance of taking…

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Whether you have a specific project you want to discuss, need a translation quote or simply want to discuss your requirements, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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