Language focus

Language focus | 21.12.2009

Window of opportunity for Catalan speakers

At a press conference in Barcelona on 1 December 2009, Microsoft presented its sought-after Windows 7 Catalan version, along with a range of additional products, services and industry collaborations aimed at widening the net of accessibility for Catalan users. María Garaña, President of Microsoft Ibérica, said that its products and partnerships would ‘open up a…

Language focus | 10.12.2009

From past to present – no longer a tense situation for Latin learners

Thanks to a number of initiatives rolled out in schools and communities in recent years, Latin is experiencing somewhat of a revival, with lessons and clubs springing up nationwide. Opinions are divided in educational circles as to the viability of teaching a ‘dead’ language, but nevertheless, demand is increasing. It seems that Latin is not…

Language focus | 16.11.2009

Focus on French

Following the interest in our Country – Did You Know section on our website, The Translation People are producing a series of new, exciting articles dealing with language matters pertinent to EU-member countries. The Translation People cover all your translating and interpreting needs in any world language, but we have decided to dedicate our first…

Language focus | 28.09.2009

The influence of German on the English language

The English language is peppered with words and expressions from all around the globe thanks to centuries of trade. According to a study by the publishers of the Oxford dictionary, some 28% of English words have their origin in Latin and a further 25% in French. In addition, old German, Norse and Dutch have also…

Language focus | 02.09.2009

Early translations into English

The first translations into English are credited to Geoffrey Chaucer, who in the 14th century translated two of Giovanni Boccaccio’s works from Italian. The Knight’s Tale is the first of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, and is in fact a loosely translated and abridged version of one of Bocaccio’s epic poems. Like many modern translators, Chaucer was…

Language focus | 23.08.2009

Jargon Loving Brits Find Themselves Lost In Translation

Thinking outside the box may impress your boss, but our much-loved business jargon is not faring well on foreign shores. With UK exports on the increase, research has shown that Brits doing business abroad need to be straight talking to stay on top of the game – as our jargon laden lingo can be seriously…

Language focus | 06.08.2009

Has Scandinavia adopted English as a second language?

According to a recent EU poll 86% of Danes and 89% of Swedes (Norway is not a member of the EU, and therefore not part of the poll) claim to have English as “a language other than their mother tongue”. What the poll does not mention, however, is their proficiency. Many people with an academic…

Language focus | 03.08.2009

Ancient Translation

The history of translation dates back as far the earliest written texts. Here we examine three of the best known examples, which have paved the way for modern day translators. Created in 196 BC, the Rosetta stone is perhaps the most well known example of ancient translation. Now exhibited in the British Museum in London,…

Language focus | 23.07.2009

Bilingualism is Killing The Welsh Language

According to recent research undertaken by Dr Richard Glyn Roberts, bilingualism is killing the Welsh language. Dr Roberts, a lecturer at University College Dublin in the School of Gaelic and Celtic Studies has published a book in which he argues that Welsh is being dominated by English within Wales. The Welsh language although taught in…

Language focus | 21.07.2009

History of English Part Four: Modern English

The period known as Modern English is generally considered to have begun during the 15th century. The factors defining what constitutes Modern English are the Great Vowel Shift and an increased standardisation of English, partly as a result of the arrival of printing technology. The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in pronunciation which…

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