Translation Industry News

Translation Industry News | 29.01.2010

The times they are a-changin’ for terminology management

CSOFT (the multilingual software service provider) have unveiled TermWiki™ – the first wiki-based terminology management system. It is currently at the beta testing stage with a launch date set for spring 2010. This is big news in the language world. Terminology management standards are vital for any project or campaign and failure to apply proper…

Language focus | 28.01.2010

When combating terrorism gets lost in translation

Foreign languages play a significant role in today’s society, especially for governments in their counter-terrorism policies: from covert transcriptions of audio transmissions and the translation of written communications to the interpreters who risk their lives accompanying troops in the field – foreign languages have never been so important. However, both UK and US governments have…

Language focus | 27.01.2010

Language lifelines in Haiti: Relief assistance in Creole

The language community has come together to increase the provision of language services through the medium of Haitian Creole for the millions of people affected by the devastating earthquake which shook Haiti this month. The media industry, linguists, software engineers and technology companies have all held special meetings, combined skills and found solutions to some…

Translation Industry News | 26.01.2010

Languages and Football – more relevant now than ever

The 2010 World Cup in South Africa has focussed minds on the growing importance of languages in the football industry. Thousands of fans will be flocking to the African country this summer to watch the world’s leading footballers battle it out for the ultimate prize in football, while millions of others will watch from the…

Translation Industry News | 25.01.2010

European Masters In Translation

It goes without saying that the world of language and translation is constantly evolving. In the last few years alone the translation industry has had to adjust to many dramatic changes. The number of official EU languages has more than doubled (from eleven to twenty three). This, as well as factors such as advances in…

Translation Industry News | 17.01.2010

A review of IATE – the importance of consistence of terminology to the EU and generally speaking. The role that the IATE database plays to these translators

The Translation People understand that consistent use of terminology throughout a company’s documents is paramount and we appreciate that it’s essential to project a coherent message to clients and suppliers alike. Imagine for a moment, if you can, how difficult this must be in an institution the size and scale of the European Union! It…

Language focus | 15.01.2010

The use of English in the EU could be damaging Scandinavian languages

Linguistic diversity is important to the E.U., which has stated that all of its citizens should learn at least two foreign languages in a bid to support this. Leonard Orban, the E.U. Commissioner for Multilingualism is clearly very supportive of those people who speak a number of languages: “The ability to communicate in several languages…

Language focus | 14.01.2010

The rise of anglicisms in the German language

Order a German translation from The Translation People and you may be surprised to spot the occasional English word in the file we deliver. Thanks to the import of English language films and television programmes, and rise of the internet in the past decade, an increasing number of anglicisms are finding their way into the…

Translation Industry News | 12.01.2010

Dial T for Translation

Toshiba have announced its newest development in mobile phone technology – an automatic real-time translation application for use with its TG01 smartphone. Voice recognition and automatic translation software will soon be available for handsets in order to provide translations in both text and audio formats. Three languages are currently supported – Japanese, English and Chinese…

Language focus | 21.12.2009

Window of opportunity for Catalan speakers

At a press conference in Barcelona on 1 December 2009, Microsoft presented its sought-after Windows 7 Catalan version, along with a range of additional products, services and industry collaborations aimed at widening the net of accessibility for Catalan users. María Garaña, President of Microsoft Ibérica, said that its products and partnerships would ‘open up a…

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